Paper IN SITU - Lone Simonsen
Paper IN SITU – Patterns on Wallpaper
January 22, 2023 – January 22, 2024
Paper IN SITU is a series of exhibitions at Museum for Papirkunst, providing the opportunity of direct encounters with paper art and the work process of paper artists. The second artist in line is Lone Simonsen.
Lone Simonsen (b. 1963) is educated at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and Kolding School of Design. Simonsen produces handmade artistic wallpapers, using a template technique, where highly pigmented paint is applied with a brush or roller through holes in a template, matrix or stencil. The technique is practised with respect for the cultural heritage and history that underlies the rare handicraft tradition.
A breath of life for a longstanding craft tradition
Around 1920, hand-printed wallpaper largely ceased to be a craft in Denmark, as technical development made it possible to print dozens of wallpapers. In Denmark, Lone Simonsen is one of the few who has revived the old craft, and she works predominantly with her own designs. The exhibition, Patterns on Wallpaper, breathes life into a craft tradition that is about to be forgotten in Denmark.
Lone Simonsen’s artist wallpapers
Simonsen’s colour-saturated, handmade wallpapers are distinguished by a great variety of surprising, experimental patterns, which often have a hint of humor. In addition, she specializes in reprinting Danish artist wallpapers from the period 1930 – 1965 and therefore collaborates with, among others, J.F. Willumsens Museum and Museum Odense on producing wallpapers associated with J.F. Willumsen and H.C. Andersen’s artistry.
Lone Simonsen calls her workshop “Denmark’s smallest wallpaper factory”. Here, she creates her own handmade wallpapers, which can now be experienced at the Museum for Papirkunst.
Learn to make your own wallpaper
In connection with the exhibition, Museum for Papirkunst arranges 3 workshops in collaboration with Lone Simonsen “Learn to make your own wallpaper”.
Here you will learn how to use stencils to make handmade wallpapers. More information about the 3 workshops will come in the new year.
Workshop dates:
Workshop 1: April 1, 2023
Workshop 2: July 1, 2023
Workshop 3: September 7, 2023