Fantasy, Magic, Paper & Theater
Special exhibition until 27. February 2022.
Cooperation with Dansk Modelteater Forening.
What do Her Majesty Queen Margrethe, H. C. Andersen, James Price, Nikolaj Hübbe, Knud Romer, Jytte Ablidstrøm, Søren Pilmark, Peter Høeg, Søren Østergaard and many other of our leading cultural figures in common… they have all played paper theater.
The paper theater is a small, but important piece of danish culture. It also has a historical significance because for generations it has been many people’s first encounter with the world of art. If you couldn’t go to the theater yourself, then the theater came home to you. For 200 years, paper theater has delighted, inspired, and enlightened the Danes.
During the corona pandemic, it is difficult to participate in large gatherings. Therefore, more people spend time at home or in their local area. The paper theaters is now experiencing a renewed interest, just as it did during the World War II. Museum for Paper Art, in collaboration with Dansk Modelteater Forening, invites you to experience this interesting story, immerse yourself and explore a detailed world on the slanted (paper) boards.
In the exhibition, you can experience 15 different paper theaters. For example, you can experience the oldest paper theater, which is from the 19 century and Her Majesty Queen Margrethe’s seven decoupage backdrops for the paper theater performance “Skibsdrengens Fortælling” from 2004.
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The exhibition inspires to a different type of experience where closeness, senses, aesthetics and analogue immersion is in focus.